Plant Collected: Tiger Lily
Date Collected: April 16, 2011
Part of plant used and amount: Flower head
Extraction process notes:
Used 32 g of flowers. Pick flowers off of stems and put in pot with enough water to cover the plant material
Slowly bring to a boil. Heat on low simmer for 15 minutes. Let sit for 2 hrs. Strain
Dye Recipe
Material/ WOF: Merino wool 7g
Dye/volume: 3 cups
Mordant/amount: alum (15% WOF)= 2-1/2 g of alum
Additions: none
Recipe notes: Simmer fiber in alum for 1 hr and let cool. Rinse fiber and add to the dye bath. Simmer for 1 hr. Cool. Let the fiber sit in the dye bath overnight. Rinse until water runs clear.