What is the Carbon Farm Network?
The New York Carbon Farm Network is an interdependent group of small brands and independent designers who want to source Climate Beneficial™ fibers from farms that are implementing Carbon Farm Practices on their lands.
Our Carbon Farm Network is organized as a purchasing cooperative, where designers work collaboratively to source fibers and make yarns for the commercial production of textile products. Our Carbon Farm Network supports Carbon Farm Planning on the farms we are partnered with.
Together the cooperative purchase fiber from regional farms and make yarns in order to meet minimums.
** Designers who are not members of their Carbon Farm Network can still purchase these yarns at sampling prices. The Carbon Farm Network is also open to adding new members.
For more information click here to visit the CFN website!
What is Carbon Farming?
Carbon Farming is the adoption and implementation of agricultural practices intended to reduce, sequester, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions on farms. Climate beneficial practices associated with Carbon Farming can provide additional benefits to farms by improving water quality, increasing profitability, promoting community relations, reducing energy use and adapting to climate change and extreme weather events.
How are we supporting Carbon Farming?
The CFN membership fees help fund Carbon Farm Planning on the farms we partner with. The amount of yarn we produce depends on the capacities of the landscapes in our bioregion.
This approach promotes sustainable growth and shared responsibility for resource use and regeneration as we create textiles. Our CFN is democratically governed, fosters collaboration, and supports the growth of small to mid-sized businesses.
This ensures that everyone involved has a role in producing and marketing Climate Beneficial™ textiles and clothing.
Our yarns are verified through our affiliate Fibershed organization.