Carbon Farm Tour 2024

Carbon Farm Tour 2024
from $32.00

Join New York Textile Lab at Faraway Farm Alpacas to dig into healthy soil and see how your material sourcing can have a positive impact on climate change.

Tour the farm and meet innovators from the agricultural, design, and manufacturing industries who are actively working to shift our regional textile systems to regenerative, abundant models. Explore Climate Beneficial textiles and engage in a Q&A panel to learn about carbon farm protocols, cooperative economic frameworks, and other strategies to help us grow a textile industry rooted in social and environmental equity. Our Carbon Farm Planner will give a talk about practices that are used on the farm to sink carbon into the soil and visitors will have a tour of Faraway Farm to learn about their composting system. Hear from experts about regional fiber cultivation, processing and manufacturing, and the connection between soil health and fiber quality. Learn about building a bioregional farm- to- product supply chain focused on slow growth models. Visitors will get to see the alpacas up close!

Our Panel will include:
Ebony Gustav, Founder/
David Ritchie, Founding Member / Green Mountain Spinnery
Grant Luri, Director of Sustainability/ Sky High Farm Universe 
Ishraq Zraikat/ Textile Artist, Teju Adisa-Farrar / Black Fiber & Textile Network

Explore these articles and podcasts that we think are important and relevant to the panel discussion.

Travel from NYC by train:

Take the train from Grand Central Station to Croton Harmon

10:45 AM arrives at 11:53 PM (train to Croton Harmon)

10:50 AM arrives at 11:43 PM (train to Poughkeepsie)

11:23am arrives at 12:37pm (train to Croton Harmon)

A shuttle will take you to and from the farm, PLEASE reserve your spot!


Saturday, September 28th 1pm-5pm

Faraway Farm Alpacas

1307 Baptist Church Rd

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Local light fare and beverages will be served

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The 2024 Carbon Farm Tour is in partnership with :

Food provided by Marbled Meat Shop

This event is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture through the project, Climate Beneficial Fiber: Building New, Accessible, and Equitable Market Opportunities for Climate-Smart Cotton and Wool. This five-year endeavor will allow us to expand our carbon farm planning to more producers across the state and bring even more Climate Beneficial fiber to designers in NY.